Israel (now broader Mid East discussion)

I'm gonna say it again, you're ascribing something about what I said that is not there. You're taking what I said and turning it into something that I didn't say or imply. First, you implied I said something about religion, which I didn't, then you're now implying I said something about facial features, stereotypes and presumptions about where they're from when I did nothing of the sort.

And fwiw, my wife is Asian American.

I know. That's why I thought it would make the point more clearly.

Dave, I didn't say that you said something about religion, facial features, etc. I'm saying the implication of saying these students should be deported if they're not US citizens implies more than what you think it did even if you don't realize it or didn't mean to.

I purposely used Asian Americans because people have made the same implication you did and cover it the same way you did.

Person 1: Why can't they just go back to where they came from?
Person 2: They're from here.
Person 1: Well, if they aren't from here...they should go back to China or wherever.
Person 2: They were born here.
Person 1: I'm just saying, if they're not born here, they should go back to where they came from. Relax, it's no big deal.

At any rate, I think I've made my point. And you've made your point. So I'll leave it alone. I just think this whole situation is too emotionally charged already without us introducing rhetoric that makes assumptions about people who have taken either side.