Friends star Matthew Perry dead of apparent drowning

Way too many superlatives here for me
It was very well crafted as a sitcom
In the same vein as big bang or everybody loves Raymond or something like Happy Days
They kept main characters mostly flat and got their variations mostly from changing the ‘situations’ or with wacky guest stars

Which sets it apart (not in a good way) by shows like Taxi or Barney Miller or Scrubs or Community or even Seinfeld
These gave their characters actual foibles and thus the possibility for character arcs (and troughs)

either approach- character vs situation- can be very funny
But situation is way more formula/safe so potentially not as impactful as character

Ok Captain Contrarian .. The fact that you claim the characters in Friends had no actual foibles leads me to believe you havent seen all that many episodes, or maybe you havent seem them since it’s original run, and you have forgotten over the last 25 years- those characters had nothing BUT foibles……. To lump Friends in with Raymond or Happy Days is just irresponsible…. And while i love Taxi and Seinfeld et al- Friends is every bit as deserving of being in the conversation with those shows..if you disagree, i suggest you go back and watch the first 3 or 4 seasons of Friends (since i do think there were some weaker seasons around 2001-2002.)