All of Lou Hedley’s punts were inside the 20, three were inside the 15

This is a false choice. He could and should have gotten a bare minimum of five more yards on that punt without being returned; ten isn't at all unrealistic. Getting the ball only to the 19 left a lot of meat on that bone. It's not like he was punting from his own 20.

His other punts were good to great but that one was poor. Only one yard better than a touchback.
It’s an IN20 punt that was fair caught at the end of the day. The other 3 attempts were also IN20 and landed at the 14, 3, and 9 yard lines. But the focus is on the IN20 punt that was at the 19 which was fair caught. That’s outrageous nitpicking. Its still an IN20 punt of no gain purposely punted that way for the gunners’ containment.