Friends star Matthew Perry dead of apparent drowning

I loved the show. But when it came out, I was in high school at the time. My thoughts were tied up in leaving the house soon, rooming with friends, etc. so it seemed more relatable.

I’ve tried to watch re-runs but haven’t been able to get through them. It definitely is symbolic of a certain period of time in my life and “the Rachel” haircut had ladies in this country in a chokehold. I had that haircut and so did all my friends.

Interesting.. i dont generally watch the Friends reruns anymore since i saw SO much of it in the original run- which started when i was in college- and watched the reruns a lot when i was in my late 20s/early 30s.. but on the rare occasion that i do catch a rerun these days, i think it still holds up, at least for me.. maybe it’s just an indicator of my maturity level, ha…. Also, i might have mentioned this in an earlier post, cant remember- but i think there were large portions of a few seasons that were pretty weak- at least by Friends standards.. I particularly cringe whenever i see any of the eps involving the Chandler/Monica marriage storylines.. their dating stuff early on was funny, and IIRC towards the very end of the show the writing got back to being pretty solid.. but now that i think about it, and im sure im not the first to notice this- but basically any of the episodes where Chandler was fat or puffy, generally seemed to be less funny.. and i remember even noticing back then that when Matthew Perry was heavier, his comedic timing seemed off.. ironically, in like season 2 or 3 when he was also apparently strung out but super skinny- his acting seemed really sharp.. just soemhting i noticed .