Friends star Matthew Perry dead of apparent drowning

Friends always seemed to be like pop music. The most popular, but never the most influential show.
Especially when you see shows like The Simpsons, Seinfeld, and Always Sunny’s influence on current TV.

I’ll just come out and say it- the cast of Friends is the closest thing we’ve had to The Beatles, ever since The Beatles…………….. as someone myself who has been a Beatles fanatic since im 7 yrs old, i can say that and it isn’t blasphemous.. i want to be crystal though- im not saying that they were as BIG as the Beatles, or as TALENTED as the Beatles- all’s im saying is that they were the closest thing to being that type of phenomenon when they ‘hit the scene’ as it were.. and it also has to do with why we cant put the cast of Seinfeld in that category- they were all a little bit older when that show became a hit.. the cast of Friends were mostly in their 20s (i think Kudrow was 30 something) and so they were closer in age to the Beatles when they first became known .