Sparkle's point is pretty clear... If Israel wanted genocide for Palestine... or to deliberately kill of a large number of people from Palestine that are not terrorists with the aim of destroying that nation." They could have done so many times before this attack, and after... They have nukes, and one of the best trained Armies in the world. This is not genocide. It's a tragic byproduct of this particular war because of the way these terrorists want to fight it.
And as Tapxe said... your options to limit civilian casualties and collateral damage.... while waging a war to eliminate a terrorist organization in the defense of atrocities they commit... are limited when they use civilians as human shields, dig tunnels under civilian infrastructure, and hide amongst them to test your resolve... Then on top of that none of the countries espousing support are helping with refugee efforts.
This war is being fought in 2 dimensions... The actual one where you have to kill terrorists... and the other one where terrorists hide behind innocent people to garner sympathy for the collateral damage they created by their actions on the world stage.