Israel (now broader Mid East discussion)

Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitic. The first people on Earth who reacted negatively to the idea of Zionism were Jews. Jews were the first people who heard about it, so of course the topic was a Jewish topic at first. About half of Jews didn't and don't like the idea of Zionism.

Part and parcel with the idea of Zionism are high Priests and Temple ritual. An authority I don't want to conform to. Hell NO to that idea. I like my Judaism to be modern, and Templeless. The Temple is in ruins. We've evolved beyond that for 2,000 years

NO priests! We got along fine without Temple priests, and Temple ritual for 2,000 years. I don't recognize a religious authority centered in Israel. HELL NO !!! We've had 2,000 years of no centralized authority.

Israeli overly Orthodox, overly frum, conservative bozos don't get to rule over me in America. HELL NO !!!

That might explain a lot to someone who hasn't thought these Zionist ramifications through. Israel is not what it seems. It's not my Jewish homeland. The USA is my Jewish homeland.
You do know that political Zionism also got started due to 2,000 years of religious, cultural, political anti-Jewish bigotry, hatred, racism, and overt discrimination and pseudo-scientific Social Darwinist beliefs that Jews were racial, genetic losers in history. How about NO country, NO acceptance, NO TOLERANCE and accusations from non-Jews, Catholics, Vatican, Islamic theologians, rulers, monarchs that you were cursed for killing Christ, that you kidnapped Christian children and drained their blood for matzah bread, that they ran a secret, clandestine worldwide banking and political government/cabal, in Middle Ages, they accused Jews of spreading bubonic plague, Jews were forbidden to enter or officially live in England from early 13th century till 1650's, the Dreyfuss Affair in France from 1894-1906, European Jews being treated like second-class citizens even though legally, they had supposedly legal/civil rights under the law..

Zionist leaders had the audacity to tell Jews in ME, United States, and Europe that for over 2,000 years that when the rubber hit the roads, whenever their was an economic depression, civil or political unrest, natural disaster, political upheaval Jews always tended to be convenient scapegoats and frankly, most of those people living in those same countries didnt give a sheet about you or your family. They were guilty of murdering Jesus Christ, being told that God had abandoned them by early Christian writers and leaders, and that they were an eternally rootless people who could never be relied upon to be honest, patriotic citizens of __________ country, or nation.

Were they wrong, Sam? Look at all the atrocities over the course of 2,000 years over multiple continents and tell them they’re wrong.