This is the closest description for me too. The thing that ENRAGES me the most about that (current tense....I'm STILL angry!) is that the ENTIRE WORLD of people watching that game saw it, except for the 4 zebras whose jobs are predicated on seeing such things. No one lost their job; no one got suspended; no one got fined. Not even an acknowledgement of "oops...we are human, and sometimes humans mess up."
This wasn't the Immaculate Reception, or the Tuck Rule, or the Zapruder Film....where to this day, your interpretation of actual events is subject to your perspective and likely your fandom. I could get over that. I could acknowledge an alternative viewpoint, even if I disagreed with it. The "No Call" was NONE of that. It was one of the most egregious FOULS in NFL history, in a pivotal moment of a championship game. And no one even REACHED for a flag. It's not like they threw a flag, but discussed it before picking it up and announcing "no flag on the play". They didn't even REACH for the flag. For that oversight in a game of that magnitude, SOMEONE should've lost their job over missing something so obvious!
The back judge who didn't call it? The crew chief who let it happen under his watch, as if it was just another play? Or someone higher up, orchestrating an outcome? I don't know WHO, because I don't know the whole story. But I know something should have happened....and nothing did. A HUGE chunk of my fandom "checked out" that day. It hasn't returned.
I used to watch as many NFL games as I could, focusing on games that benefited the Saints in some way. After the No Call, I quit watching ALL games that didn't involve the Saints. Since DA took over, I quit watching the Saints. I still follow the scores, maybe check out Sports Center game highlights, and I come here for my Saints fix. But it hasn't been the same since the No Call.