What was your PERSONAL reaction to the “no-call” vs the Rams?

I was in mixed fanhood company, watching games in a bar in a city which does not have an NFL team. No other Saints fans present, so I was in a group text with some friends and eyeballing a Twitter feed with just Saints fans on it. When the hit happened, everyone in the bar reeled in disbelief that no flag was thrown. The group text exploded. The Twitter feed went bananas. I just put my head down. It felt like the Saints had already lost the game at that point. Reading my Twitter feed in later days was hell - people were celebrating not having the Brees-Brady Super Bowl we all deserved.

Less than two weeks later, a dearly beloved friend, who could not tell you what color a football is, passed away tragically and my life perspective shifted altogether. I didn’t even hate watch the Super Bowl - I comforted friends and family, and vowed to place fun and enjoyment at the center of the things I do for the rest of my life, as she did in hers which was cut so short.