Saints will get smoked this weekend by Dobbs

Eh, Saints defense adjusted at halftime.
Yep, they did

The “good news” is that it seems they HAVE been able to make halftime adjustments all season. The “bad news” is that it seems they consistently been gettin gashed by these long. time consuming TD drives in da FIRST half all season!!!

It’s been UNACCEPTABLE!!! They KNOW it, n DA KNOWS it!!! He might b da HC, but DEFENSE is still HIS baby! He built it into bein one of the leagues best, most consistent groups for some 6 years now! IMO this IS a good group. They’re both talented n experienced. But right now, they are not playing up to HIS standards/expectations OR their own! Fortunately, it ain’t too late, but da time to for them to step it up a notch is NOW!!!

no excuses
Don't think it's gonna take them that long this time around.

A victory at MINNY would give us a 6-4 record, have us alone in 1st place in our division, n would give us our first 3 game win streak of the season! So like MT said “Let’s stay on this road of WINNING!”

But in his locker room speech after Bears game, DA openly called out n challenged his D to start out n play better against the Vikes!

“…Because we’ve proven over n over n over again that when we’re doin it RIGHT n we’re doin what we’re capable of doin, we’re pretty damned GOOD!”

I want to see the play of this D pick right up from where it left off in da 4th quarter against da Bears!!!

no excuses