A microcosm of Winston’s career

Hahahahha!!!!! "Could not seal the deal"?

He came in with less than a quarter and a half left 24 points down and got us to within one score of tying.....you have to be joking.....

Like I said, if he plays a full game and stinks it up (multiple picks leading to a loss) then he deserves this type of criticism but in this instance? Just folks looking foolish.....
You’d have a better point if there wasn’t an almost decade of evidence that the end result is the same result Winston has produced his entire career. He tosses up risky 50/50 balls with alarming frequency. Sometimes you’ll get a string of heads and people start to believe Winston has figured it out, then the tails inevitably start hitting.

Winston is a slot machine, and in the long term the house always wins.