A microcosm of Winston’s career

Hahahahha!!!!! "Could not seal the deal"?

He came in with less than a quarter and a half left 24 points down and got us to within one score of tying.....you have to be joking.....

Like I said, if he plays a full game and stinks it up (multiple picks leading to a loss) then he deserves this type of criticism but in this instance? Just folks looking foolish.....
The second half of the Green Bay game would like a word.

That's just for the benefit of anyone who's saying we should apply the same standard to everyone.

Of course, there's also the fact that we tend to absolutism and blame one factor, when in reality it's always a combination of several. Our staff plus OL, plus whichever QB is in the game, are not consistently leading to wins. Looking for a single root cause just feeds the tribalism and division.