HBO picks up George RR Martin series - Game of Thrones

Regarding binging vs. watching a show episodically, when you binge something, it's a more immediate but also passive way to view a series. You get through it faster, but it won't stick with you as long. It's like a fast food meal -- gulp it down and move on to the next thing.

When you watch a show episodically over time, though, it allows more time to digest each episode, and allows for more repeat viewing and more investment -- and also more disappointment if they don't stick the landing with the ending.

I think that had a lot to do with the disappointment the ending of GOT created (anecdotally speaking, anyway). People who had been watching and re-watching, and had read the books, were expecting a conclusion that would tie everything together -- which we didn't get. The investment didn't pay off.

Those who came on late and binged the series in one viewing, though, were generally more content with the conclusion, and then just went on to the next thing.
I binged the whole show and caught up to in real time just after the season 7 finale aired. I feel like that's why I was okay with Danny going crazy, I saw it coming.