At what point is execution a coaching problem?

Pete isn't the detailed coach that Payton was and it has a trickle down effect with accountability.

The quote from Lutz after joining Denver said all that needs to be said. “I truly feel like my best years were with him because I was kind of scared to let him down.

No ones scared to let Allen or Carmichael down, specifically Carmichael because the defense while having moments of meh, still has carried their weight this year. It has the players searching for accountability with each other, the whole narrative of "not letting each other down" that used to be a "we can't let Sean down".
You are totally correct. I have been quoting AK since last yr when he said "Fear has left the building when SP left" And not fear like I'm gonna punch you in the mouth. Fear like if I don't do my job and perform SP will replace me. And EVERYONE knew when you were on SP's bad side. PC could be cerebral and not motivational with PC . DA could even play soft until SP jumped his butt and said blitz somebody.
DA is soft milquetoast. Holds no one accountable, not coaches , not players NO ONE has any fear they will lose their jobs except maybe Penning
PC is not a strong figure coach and having milquetoast DA makes it worse and players will follow the lead of the HC and the rest of the coaching staff