From Adam Schefter: Bills OC Ken Dorsey Fired

Are we worse than any other team in the Division? Right now, we are not. We are first in the NFC South by record. Can we beat the Falcons, Bucs and Carolina kicking FG's if necessary? IDK but we will find out shortly.
DA's job doesn't appear to be in danger (yet) and the team is in playoff contention. Until one or both those conditions change then the team is saying they are moving forward with the status quo. We might not like the inconsistent play, underachieving and sloppy execution but as you pointed out DA isn't making changes to the staff.
Again, I'm not a fan of how the team has responded to the coaching. I'm just watching like everyone else. You can either chose to dwell on the bad, and there is a lot of bad. Or you can look at the positives, the NFC South is a dumpers fire and wide open. Honestly, except for Carolina the race is wide open and should make for some great football down the stretch. That is keeping me tuned in and interested. If the team folds in the tents after the bye then we can get on the "burn it down" train. Otherwise I'm just a fan.
Other than the division sucking, there are no positives. Look, I tempered my expectations after last year, until I saw our schedule at the beginning of the season. Then I had hope, but reserved hope. We will most likely never get another “cush” schedule like this, with every other variable being in our favor. We have a golden opportunity and we keep playing hot potato with them. I too am a fan and I feel that we deserve a lot better, even with my tempered expectations. Is a great half of football too much to ask for? Are consecutive great offensive sequences too much to ask for? As a fan, when all of the fun is gone, then what are you tuning in for? I’m at the point where I’m watching bc I can’t turn away from a train wreck