A microcosm of Winston’s career

Agree on the first line. They don't do a good job of getting him settled with easy throws early on and Pete moves away from the run way too often in drives. The fact that AK was destroying them up front and we didn't see PA was insane.
You hit the nail on the head with this one and it takes us back to CSP actually scheming and building around players. We SUCKED in the run game in 2021 but that didn't stop us from running (Jameis/Taysom being healthy and scrambling didn't hurt). But in 2021, we were running play action close to the same clip that we did in Drew's prime. I mean, close to 23% and rising. Sean knew what worked for the players he had and it seems like Sneaky Pete has his playbook but won't build for players. Truth be told, Winston and Carr are legitimately 2 of the best QBs at play action. Sneaky Pete totally went away from it last season and we are at the bottom of the league this season. You don't need the run game to be successful for play action to work. You just need to run the freaking ball.