
Indeed - but doesn't take Ken Burns. At this point with a fairly complete historical record (but for the 18 minutes erased from the Watergate tape and some other intentionally destroyed evidence), any portrayal of the Nixon administration as something other than delusional criminals is an objective mischaracterization of history.

Their first response to any perceived political threat was always first and foremost, a criminal plan.
Agree! Just turning fitty this year, I did not know a lot about Nixon and some of their dealings until recently. Their entire operation was criminal (using it as a metaphor here). When I learned (thru the Burns Vietnam documentary) that Nixon purposefully torpedoed peace talks with the North Vietnamese for his political gains (i.e. sent thousands more Amercian GI's to their graves), I was incensed! I literally could not believe it. That crook should have been sent to prison. To hell with the optics of the scandal.

Just recently found out Agnew (Nixon's VP) was a legit crook as well.....independant of the Watergate scandal. A literal crook that was able to get away with high crimes because his boss was in as much hot water over Watergate. Somehow, they let him off the hook because he was next in line to the Presidency. All the while, I'm thinking the Trump fiasco was the first time we've experienced such upheaval. Nope.

Crazy stuff.