I'm not making a comparison. I'm showing that you don't care about the result as oppose to who does it. And also showing that you might have a case of the "Breezus Syndrone" This is the deification of Drew which absolved him from every bad play that he ever had, heighten ability to perform a full field read in less than 2 seconds, has never thrown an interception that was his fault, and all of the other fake attributes that we tie to Drew. All jokes aside, the reality is, because this is how we view Drew, we can never properly evaluate the QB position. We are comparing everyone to a version of Drew that never existed. I don't have to make a comparison to Drew with anyone and I didn't make a comparison. I stated a verifiable fact; Drew threw a lot of interceptions and none of us cared because we loved the TDs that came with it. The moment that I knew 2009 was probably going to end with a SB trip was that Meacham strip. We love the strip but forget that the interception came on Drew moonwalking under pressure and throwing into triple coverage off his back foot. Pepperidge Farm didn't forget and neither did I.