A microcosm of Winston’s career

How in all that is holy could you be ok with the ARM PUNT??? It's 3rd and THREE with 3:14 left . Yes AK missed the block but that guy so telegraphed that blitz and JW looks right at him and SEES HIM COMING . All he had to do was throw it out of bounds in the direction of CO, But JW robs us of a chance to go for it on 4th and 3 with 3:14 left on our own 45 . It was a poor choice
We don't even know if he was trying to get it out of bounds or not but Winston got blasted the moment he let go of the ball. I don't know what he was trying to do but if we are giving passes for getting hit in the facemask, getting blasted by a free rusher that AK didn't pick up should have some level of goodwill. *shrugs*.

LOL you do that bud I'll bet in those 10 yrs DB threw more PASSES than anyone else. More passes = more chances for picks . also My mantra " Not All Picks Are The Fault Of The QB " One of the reasons I don't fault JW for the 30 picks that yr
Actually, if you remember those times, it wasn't the volume of passes that's caused the interceptions. Drew's interceptions normally came throwing the ball further down the field. Tom Brady the last 11 season of his career averaged 20 less passes a season that Drew, but his interception rate is an entire percentage point lower, because he has always thrown the ball shorter. Drew's interception rate plummeted when he went all in on the dink and dunk.

Yes you ARE making that comparison, EVERY TIME someone points a flaw in JW you say "Well DB did did that too"
NO ONE here EVER said that DB was perfect. But every time someone points out an issue with JW your first response is "Well DB was not perfect"
That's a comparison to DB
You are really misreading my post. If you ever really look into it, I say that I really don't care about certain things as much as others because I saw Drew do it. I keep the same energy, no matter who is under center. I didn't care about interceptions when Drew was averaging 16 interceptions a season, why should I care about them now, as long as they come with points. Most are wanting to turn it into a comparison when in reality, it's me saying that if you really looked at Drew's game like you said you did, you shouldn't be tripping as hard. I didn't act like the Pre 2015 Drew Brees never existed because the pass game got quicker and he threw less interceptions but the problem is that's the version of Drew that a lot holds dear. My favorite version of Drew was the one that didn't mind tight window throws down field, threw up 50/50 balls so his play makers could have a chance, and would let it rip without hesitation. That came with turnovers and "what the crap" throws at times but that man also averaged nearly 40TDs a season. I keep the same energy, no matter who the player is, and the player doesn't make me look at the result any different.