As I said before , We need a Cut Throat Owner !

Of which of her moves as an owner are you most impressed thus far?
She's made sure the Saints stay in NOLA. For all the moaning and groaning, that counts for a lot. She's actually been pretty hands off, which I prefer. We've all seen how it turns out with an overly meddling owner.

Going with Allen was a mistake. The question is will they correct it when the season ends? I think she will. Whether that means making a decision on Loomis, who knows. What I hope happens is she talks to Loomis about cleaning house, and if that isn't something he wants to do, then she can fire him and look for a GM ready to do the house cleaning.

It also might be that she's entrusted someone else to can Loomis, that being Dennis Lauscha. If Lauscha has the authority to do so from Gayle, I hope he decides they've seen enough.