Will Saints fans wear bags again?

I see the bandwagon fans are out in full force today. Some even have the nerve to bring up wearing a dang bag over their heads. Well go right ahead and look like clowns. Some of you think this team is bad; you don't know what bad is. This team, at the very least, has good talent on it. And to suggest that they are " BAG" bad is ludicrous. There are a lot of us REAL fans out here to overshadow the fake/spoiled ones. Go ahead and grab your bag. I am sure it's an improvement. Win or lose, I'll be at the games cheering as usual.
Thank you Mr gatekeeper “real” saints fan for allowing non real fans to make their own decisions in life. Today’s mentality of if you’re not with us, you’re against us and the enemy sums it up. The cherry on top is “fake/spoiled” comment that brings home the denigrating people with different views.