Was the Saints' Front Office (e.g., Loomis) Fleeced on the Sean Payton Trade?

What did we get for him? Bresse?!?!? We would've done just as bad without him. A program changing HC is worth more than JAG on the D line. You try to bury his contract and hold him for ransom....get what he's worth or he stays retired.

Re revisionist history: This isn't revisionist history from me....this was always my stance. CSP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bryan Bresse
Lol, we're not comparing Payton directly with Breese now are we? Really? :covri:

You'd rather we get nothing than let Payton walk. I guess that's a choice, but it isn't one I'd make.

And I've stated more than a few times I would have rather Payton stayed. But he apparently had had enough. Now, the front office may have caused that, and if they did, I'd completely disagree with them doing it.

I'm reading a reputable poster stating that Payton was forced out. Not convinced that he was, but, if he was, whoever forced him out is the one who needs to go.