Marvel getting desperate

Why not just do Norrin Radd now, and Nova later? Will they swap Nova as well? If so, what's the point of swapping in the first place? If not, why not?

Let's say you own a steakhouse. You have a loyal customer base (comic fans) who have been coming to you for years, expecting the same quality and product, and you have always delivered that expected product to them. Everyone is happy. The restaurant makes money, the customers eat their fill of something they enjoy. Then one day you decide, "I will now serve everyone a pork chop, even though they all want and expect the steak we have always delivered to them, just because". Why would the restaurant expect their life-long customers to be happy with that? That's what this feels like... casting the Silver Surfer as a woman "just because".

Who is asking for SS to be a woman? Where is the outcry for him to be cast as such?

Except that a movie is not a restaurant that only serves a small regional clientele. It is a product that will be "served" nationally and worldwide to a number of different types of audiences, in movie theaters and via streaming services, and the overwhelming majority of possible viewers is not going to be comic book nerds... and I dare say, a naked silver woman is going to appeal to more audiences worldwide than a naked silver dude.