What is your level of 'coaching' patience?

This franchise has problems that go beyond coaching. It doesn’t matter who the coach is for the next couple of years. If you replaced Allen today, the next coach inherits the same problems, only hampered by our ability to begin addressing them. This franchise has backed itself in to a corner of having to double down on a failing strategy that’s troubles are now compounding yearly. Is that what you want to hand a new coach? Not even Sean Payton wanted to deal with that kind of mess. Unless you are willing to be very patient with a new coach, I’m talking 3 years before you have moderate expectations, then OK, make a change. I don’t see the benefit in doing so. It’s the front office’s job to put its coaches in the best situation possible, they’re a long way from being able to offer that. Let DA go down with the ship and buy some time so we can start healing our financial/personnel issues.