Having a plan for offense and defense.

They do... The team has been fine with their adjustments in-game despite all the criticism they're receiving. The main areas of weakness are currently being exposed because we're not a disciplined team. We do stupid stuff on important areas of the field or in critical situations. It makes us look much more incompetent than we really are and we're consistent with the ineptitude to be resilient.
I don’t see it that way. There is a clear disconnect between the concept of the play that is called, how the various players interpret it, and obviously the execution. MT alluded to this a few times, in regards to the Olave situation a few weeks back. For this offense to “click”, there are very tiny nuances that all players must get down. If someone doesn’t run it perfectly, then it won’t work that well for any player who is the clear target. Thats why it was so hard for many of our past WRs to grasp the offense and not to mention the terminology of it. With that being said, we are in this constant fight with ourselves, trying to run these plays in game. Basically, it’s like we are stuck on “practicing” it in game time, not having it down to a science yet. There are no in game adjustments. We are just out there trying to figure out our own mess, hence why we are stuck in neutral. Then, throw in stupid penalties and abandoning what works well, along with ridiculous down and distance calls. We are easy pickings for a defense, especially when we break ourselves, so they don’t have to do it. They just reap the benefits. I could be off, but that’s what I’m seeing.