Having a plan for offense and defense.

All teams go into the game with plans, and as the saying goes, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

A lot of times this season, we keep punching ourselves, and our OC gets the bulk of the blame. Atlanta played a lot of man against us, and we ran a lot of crossing routes in response. We had a great call on the below play, but our $150m QB can’t lead a receiver to save his life right now.

View attachment RPReplay_Final1701265730.mov

Same drive, this run could have been a TD with three blockers on three defenders, but Peat and Hill go after the same defender. We take advantage of a edge defender focused on rushing and get less than we should again.

View attachment RPReplay_Final1701266569.mov

Again, same drive, Carr throws a pass that Shaheed should catch for a TD but it gets dropped.

View attachment RPReplay_Final1701266644.mov

When execution fails again and again, any OC will look incompetent in their playcalling.

Where PC may be deficient is in his teaching, because the calls are there but the results are often below expectation because the execution fails.