What is your level of 'coaching' patience?

We dont have a reputation like Carolina with firing coaches. We couldve withstood firing Allen when we were 4-9 last season. Any potential candidate can see Allen for what he is, a perrenial, consistent loser. But Loomis has let this fester so long, that you have a team that has zero confidence in its FO or coaches. All of them know they have been failed by the FO in regards to Allen.

When you come off 8-28, and start 4-9 - that was where I wanted him gone. He is what he is. The 8-28 was not purely "Raiders were a dumpster fire". Hue Jackson went 8-8 the year before he took over, and Jack Del Rio won 19 games the 2 season after he left (Both of them were fired this month btw).

You could lengthen the fanbases frustration if you APPEARED to be trying. If you made moves, if you said something other that the same crap every week. But his record has been so bad, for so long that everyone see what he is at this point. Its so clearly obvious that Allen is not cut out to be a HC. He is literally the 3rd worst HC all time who coached 5 seasons. You dont wind up in the bronze medal of losers spot by being in any way, shape or form good.

And somehow he still has supporters here. People still making excuses for him.