I'm itching for baseball
Steve,dude come on man I'm surprised at you. Greed is in every sport. I am sure you remember in the 1980's the NFL was notoriously stingy in its pay scales to players. the NFL labor unions had a problem getting free agency and also players being able to dictate their own salaries during this same time. that was a turbulent era, Steve. the 1980's is where I think a lot of sports grew up and got with the program because the future was going to be dim if they didn't. the sports that we know of today have grown by leaps and bounds in the past 20 years. the NBA, the NHL, hell even NASCAR has grown expediently since the days of you and me being kids.
That is why Steve MLB has by hook or crook got to grow up and face the realities it has put on it. it will survive mind you it is has too much interest to just go away. the Chicago Cubs are a main reason why I think baseball is still pure IMHO. They are the light of the league. with them the memories of what was once good in MLB can still go on.
If the Cubs make a deep playoff run and by chance make the WS, that will save this league.
mark my words, it will. but greed is all about sports these days, not just MLB, man.
just take a look around and I mean that in the most sincerest way, Steve.
One could even its even embedded in American culture