Before we blame Carr

I can tell you from personal experience Gruden is way overrated.

He did well with Al Davis overseeing him, and then with a pre-built Dungy team.

He has a huge ego and wants full control.

When he gets it, he absolutely sucks at it.

His personnel choices for the Bucs and Raiders set them both back for years.
Al Davis wasnt exactly the best at making wise, personnel decisions regarding HC's, FO admininistration, assistant coaches, drafting players, or attracting decent, sturdy, durable FA pickups that don't fit the system, don't fit in like Randy Moss but then go on and have MVP-CALIBER seasons with better teams like New England in 2007-09. In his last decade as owner and in his life, the game passed Al Davis and I'm of the opinion, he was partially aware or conscious of that and was trying to fix it, but he died before he could. I mean, he made some seriously bad draft picks like Jemarcus Russell, a move HC Lane Kiffin opposed and pretty much everyone else in the Raiders org. did to, but Al Davis disagreed and ordered he be picked.

After the Super Bowl XXXVII debacle and Barrett Robbins abandoning the roster supposedly due to Callahan changing the teams' offensive game plan the next night before the game and Robbins had a nervous breakdown, Raiders never were the same.