Jimmy Carter Enters Hospice Care at Home {Edit: Rosalynn Carter has passed (11/19/2023)}

It’s sad how common sense isn’t that common
That's because the real world has never been so easy to figure out and is massively complex, nuanced, at times extremely complicated as much as it might seem or appear to seem simple, easy, workable or amendable to many others in life or facing different personal or professional issues in life.

Sometimes, and this is a lesson many Americans have discovered over past 50 years or so is that what seems like "common sense" solutions to issues that are way more complicated and complex then saying or arguing these solutions would apply or work.

Maybe a better analogy is that some of what we've long perceived to be "common sense" is really more difficult process to figure out. Maybe we, as a society, need to re-examine or re-evaluate some of what common sense means or what it looks like.