As I said before , We need a Cut Throat Owner !

She’s a hands off owner, which is very smart on her part since she probably didn't grow up living and breathing football.

The last thing an NFL team needs is a hands on owner who has no idea what they are doing, constantly making horrible decisions.

This is all on Loomis.

But, if I was the owner, I would make a few cut-throat decisions today that many fans would probably disagree with….

1. Fire DA, Pete, and Marone today.

2. Go to the stars and leaders and offer them IR: Cam, Davis, Olave, AK, Ram…anyone we’ll need next year that doesn’t need meaningless reps.

3. Start Penning the rest of the year to see if he can find it.

These decisions should mean we lose the rest of our games. It’s the tanking by lack of coaching and talent strategy. Hopefully the other 4-5 win teams win a few and we get a top 5 pick.

4. Hire the best offensive head coach we can get.

5. Next season move Carr to 2nd string right out the gate, day one of OTAs. Hopefully his pride will get the better of him and he’ll ask to be released from his contract so he can go to another team.