Loomis on WWL 11/28

I wasn't high on Watson but a lot of fans were very much on board and despite his off-field issues, the consensus around the league was that on the field he was a young QB that proved he could play at high level for a Texans franchise that's never really got off the ground and some would call dysfunctional. His play for the Browns (another largely dysfunctional franchise if we're being honest) hasn't been too great from what I've seen but at the time he was seen as the best available QB and we were in the conversation for him. I don't really hold that against Loomis.

Derek Carr is on Loomis because he hired DA and let DA go get his guy so that's fair to assign some blame to him for that, he did build an out after 2 years into the contract though. Unfortunately for most of us 11 games have been enough.

Hiring Dennis Allen after Payton decided to "retire" was a bad decision in hindsight but I don't think Mickey or Gayle really expected Sean to walk away and by that point Loomis decided continuity was the way to go after an injury plagued previous year. We followed that up with another injury plagued year that gave DA a mulligan, rightly or wrongly (and it sure looks wrongly at the moment).

Carmichael I agree should've been let go the second he said he didn't really want the job (and perhaps the whole continuity idea should've been scrapped at that moment but by then the other candidates were probably off the table). That one I will give you. On the other side of that though, he's allowing his coach to choose his staff. Most coaches want to have that power in an organization. The problem with that comes when the coach refuses to acknowledge the problem and fire his friends, something we saw with Sean for the first half or so of his time here. Sean eventually realized that if he wanted to turn the corner he had to hire someone more qualified to run the defense and let them handle the hiring on that side of the ball, while he focuses on what he does best. Unfortunately for DA and us, I don't think he has that in him. He seems to want to be liked too much. Payton's got friends obviously, but I don't think he really cares if too many people like him, at least not from a coaching/boss standpoint. So sure we can blame Loomis for not going over DAs head, but there's every chance that narrative gets spun into "Mickey Loomis is the kind of GM that doesn't let his coaches stand on their own choices". That's not necessarily a very attractive trait for a GM to have.

I don't really think we got fleeced on either trade in hindsight. Olave's a great young receiver and with a better QB/OC would likely be lighting it up more often than he already does. He's got some things to work on with focus sure but other than that the only thing he really lacks is size. The CGJ trade looked bad last season but after a great year with the Eagles they too decided to let him walk and he only got a prove it deal with Detroit then got hurt. That tells me that he's got a bad reputation around the league for whatever reason.

If the good drafts are on Ireland, I'm going to say the bad drafts are on Ireland. I'm sure DA has plenty of input there too because that's what we did with Payton, and they've always talked about continuity.

I don't mind the Saints showing a bit of loyalty to a long time player like Cam Jordan, or a fan favorite and team leader like Demario Davis though I understand not everyone feels that way. The other two are fair enough but for me Ruiz has been one of our better lineman this year (not saying much I realize that). Johnson has been under-utlized like the rest of the TEs in the passing game, but sure if Loomis knew that was the plan then it was a bad decision.

Fans aren't that smart usually and any fan that wanted Watson at his price is especially lacking in intelligence. So that's no excuse for a GM. You can't hire a sex offender as the leader of your team and then give him a crazy contract.

No hindsight with Allen. He should have never been hired and any non-biased rational unemotional GM could have seen that. His defenses have been overrated for years and ALWAYS choke. His history with the Raiders and meh personality were even starker warnings. This was very predictable. This is not hindsight from me. I said this from the beginning.

We've gotten fleeced on almost every trade we make. Davenport, Penning, Olave, CGJ. None were good trades.

You simply can't screw your cap with guaranteed money to guys in their mid 30s like that. Make it incentive laden or something, but those contracts are albatrosses.

It was the epitome of delusion to think you could contend without Payton and Brees. One or the other, maybe. Without both? Ridiculous. That was the time to stock assets and picks and find the next franchise QB. Not kick the can down the road with an all-time worse coach and then allow that dude to sign a very mediocre losing QB to a huge deal.

Bottom line, is Mickey destroyed any chance of this team being competitive for at least 3-4 years. The longer he keeps Allen the longer it will take to clean up. But knowing him, he'll trade up in the first again this year and we'll be right back here next November.