Loomis on WWL 11/28

I did not hear the interview. I have no interest in listening. Loomis says nothing of value in public. My concern is that I do not know how much of value he has said behind closed doors in several years.

To say the Saints have the right people in place is crazy. What if Loomis has simply said this: We still have a good chance to win our division. We have high expectations. At times this season, we have not played well enough, and our expectations have not been met. We still have a number of games left. Let's see what happens, and after the season, we will review the job performance of everyone in this organization, including myself, to see what we did wrong, what we can do better, how we can play more consistently, and what we need to do going forward to achieve the high goals we have. Can we achieve what we set out to achieve? Yes. Am I satisfied with our play thus far? That is a different question, and obviously we need to play--and I expect us to play--much better than we have.

But the real problem is the general manager giving the interview. He was given total control, and he is bringing back the pre-Jim Mora days. And his refusal to acknowledge that his win-now approach, his selection of Dennis Allen as head coach, his selection of Derek Carr as quarterback, and his continued acceptance of Carmichael as offensive coordinator were blunders is irreparably damaging the franchise.
Really? So you expect ML to admit to the public, right this minute, that he made a mistake with Da and Carr and PC, while they sit at 5-6? Do you think that would somehow motivate them to play better, when your boss literally calls you a blunder on the radio? the word salad before that, is what ML says. So I don’t see where you’re going with that.