Next years job is not to find the next coach . It’s to tear down and purge .

I’m the biggest anti Dennis Allen fan on the board

But the chain of events for the next 365 is not finding his replacement .

There is not a single candidate with options that would ever come here .

All this Ben Johnson talk is laughable .
There is no chance that the saints would get someone like that under these conditions .

The next 365 days the saints need to purge the cap . Trade anything of value that will not help us win 3 years from now .

Eat up as much dead cap space the next 365 days as possible .

As much I hate Allen . He needs to stay one more year

Not because he’s good and not because I like him . But because if they do this purge they are going to suck no matter who is the HC.

Might as well let DA be that guy who’s the coach on a 2-15 type season .

Then after next season once your cap situation is much better and you have a top 3 draft pick then you can get a coach worth a damn for 2025.

If they let DA go after this year they will be competing with the panthers for whoever is at the bottom of the barrel as far as coaching hires go .

If Loomis does not do this and he keeps kicking the can down the road and putting bandaids on everything then he needs to go to
I disagree, This team has talent , what it does not have is good coaching at ANY position. As far as the cap goes when have we not been able to get a player solely for $ reasons? Unless we did not think he was worth the $.
As far as luring Johnson here or even Shane Waldron, you think cap considerations are gonna make him say no? Far from it, it's the willingness of a GM working with him and getting him what he wants. It's roster and thinking he can coach them up that makes it an attractive spot. Johnson took over a less than mediocre Goff, he was playing worse than DC and turned him around. I don't see Johnson as a pipe dream. Or even Shane Waldron