In the land of the blind... and the Saints prayer

I'm not one to show favoritism in the public domain, but st dude is my all time favorite poster. That's just a fact. I remember when he first appeared back in the late 90's during the Ditka years, he added a dimension of out of the ordinary comical wit to the discussions that helped keep things light, and raised our spirits, and I am grateful for it. He's a treasure.

I often think of this board and those days. And the great Warren Zevon- in the throes of terminal cancer- when asked by David Letterman if he had any parting words, and he said “enjoy every sandwich”.

We sucked so bad in the 60s through the 90s. And as much as I hated losing, I found this place and a bunch of folks who - whether they realized it or not - were enjoying every sandwich.

There is a lesson there about being a saints fan- especially in this Dennis Allen era- but I suppose it takes a bunch of hindsight to see it. It least it did for me:)