Marvel getting desperate

Cmon this is a cart before the horse argument- ‘a black qb won’t work bc all the best QBs are white’

60s & 70s saw a proliferation of straight white make heroes bc that’s who was telling the stories and the made heroes in their demo for an audience they assumed looked like them (but later found that the audience was broader than they assumed)
So the overwhelming storylines to pull from are from this era
Had that era been more diverse and inclusive there’d be more diverse and inclusive heroes- it wasn’t
We are now in a (theoretically) more diverse and inclusive era - the heroes should reflect that
And i categorically rebuff a ‘what about squirrel girl?’ argument as non-serious
I agree. Which is exactly my point. The best superheroes are white males as of this time. Maybe in the future there will be more options in the future…but as of right now they are trying to build strong characters of other groups and that’s going to take time. But that time isn’t today