Green Bay shows where the Saints royally screwed up

We had our best shot with Mahomes and the Chiefs beat us to the punch. If we had drafted Mahomes and he has 40% of the same success here as he’s had with KC, Payton never “loses his love for the game” and quits regardless of Gayle is the owner or not.
SP never lost his love for the game. Plus, it was his big mouth, that was the reason for us not getting Mahomes. SP couldn’t shut up about Mahomes’ workout in interviews. All he had to say was (in his SP lingo) “Look, Mahomes had an amazing workout, relative to all of the other workouts from other QBs”. “He would be a fine player to draft and I’m sure that he will have success in our league”. “However, we have a guy by the name of Drew Brees and he’s been pretty darn great for our ball club and he’s still playing at an elite level”.

That’s it. That’s all he had to do was be a politician and not a dang fanboy. Never tip your hand unless you have the #1 overall pick. Myself as a fan, should not know this better than SP.