Marvel getting desperate

the analogy falls short bc it lacks (lots of) context
it's not like Marvel has been replaced - there's no Nuggets or Bucks in the analogy - and you would have to have a scenario where the whole structure of the NBA (or even sports watching) changed
it's probably more like Marvel is the NFL and everyone is predicting it will have a similar fate as MLB - a mostly legacy product that gets infusions of newness every now and then
it might...

but if anything thinks they can predict what streaming and movies looks like in the next decade is either savant or psycho

I think the analogy works from a quality standpoint. It's not perfect because there are more moving parts and factors than simply being a good sports team

But in broad strokes I think it works. MCU is a dynasty that past it's peak. It's not like the reviews for the post Endgame movies and shows are great but people aren't watching.

Like a sports team they've had some retirements, some veteran's that are past their time, some questionable writing (coaching) decisions. They just aren't what they were