Derek Carr practiced today.

I find it really odd that we are so desperate for anything that we are clinging onto the first rythm of passes Carr has had all year as some wild amazing thing. At 150 I’m expecting that type of quarter, every effing quarter.

Carr by and large has not been GOOD this year. I have stood on the Carr soap box all effing season. One little stretch doesn’t have me convinced. I stand by the statement I made where I think we should start Winston this week.

We need to stop fooling ourselves, Carr has problems. Winston does too. Let me tell you something, I don’t think this team wants to play for Carr, I think it’s getting worse by the week.

Our Coach has a duty to keep this team together. If he rolls Carr out there this week, this team is shot. Vets will want out at end of season if they don’t already.

I’m willing to say that Carr has potentially been playing through injuries that has affected his throwing, but it’s that in combination with his attitude on the sidelines that really makes me upset. He’s got the look of a guy that thinks it’s everyone’s fault but his, for god sakes it’s like he just sits there thinking he’s too good to read the tablet and see what the defence is doing.

Then you have him going out admitting the Atlanta pick 6 was picked off for a TD in practice and he still went out there and ran that play? Where’s the leadership?

I’m serious, where’s the leadership? Someone show me where. That’s my big problem.

Now we got the concussion stuff. I can’t see how he could keep coming back from that this season.

I’m not saying he’s faked injuries, so don’t take this out of context, but I would be lieing if I hadn’t had a thought about it a couple weeks back in the Vikings game. To me if I’m looking at it from a neutral perspective, sure is funny how that injury happened the drive after the fumble. To me the timing is weird. But I’m not insinuating that he faked it. But I also know you can make yourself seem concussed when being checked out by a doctor.

So who knows the truth but I wouldn’t put it out of the realm of possibility.