Mahomes is a sore loser!!!

You know the more I think on this situation, the more is irks me. The NFL has a clear officiating problem, with legalized gambling seemingly the primary culprit. You finally have a star player speak out about it (God forbid anyone bites the hand that feeds them), and it happens when the officials clearly got the call right. CLEARLY.

So we finally have someone with the balls to speak out and they are wrong. Really? Why now Patrick? Why couldn't you complain any of the other hundred times your team got screwed? This outburst has single handedly given John Q. Public the chance to come to the officials rescue and paint the players, fans, etc. as no accountability having whiners.

If the NFL wanted to redirect the growing skepticism of the integrity of NFL officiating, they couldn't have written a better script. Have the most popular (thus polarizing) player in the league whine about an obvious correct call and draw attention to fan/team bias. Never mind the actual point shaving, line manipulation, and future TV rating exploiting happening every week.

Enjoy the show peasants.