Today in Movie & TV History

Im not a huge Nirvana fan, mind you (with apologies to Saintman).. or should i say ‘All Apologies’.. in any case, they did revitalize music in general, regardless of ur feelings about grunge.. up until then, we suffered thru a couple years of Milli Vanilli, Wilson Philips, Britney Fox, Vanilla Ice, New Kids on the Block , Paula Abdul, Warrant, Michael Bolton…. Should i go on ? Prove me wrong .

I would listen to Warrant farting for 12 hours straight over anything from Nirvana. We can all make fun of Cherry Pie, sure, but their later stuff was amazing and not pop glam at all. Not to mention after Jani died, the two albums put out with Robert Mason were great rock music. Plus I love Britny Fox. I'll grant you New Kids though.

Full disclosure, I own over 225 albums from 115 different glam rock bands.... Including current European AOR such as Gotthard, House of Shakira, Von Groove, etc. Hell, the new Winger album that came out this year would surprise you. And Extreme's album this year was fantastic.