Nick Underhill and Mike Triplett on the possibilities of a Head Coach change happening after the season

The fact that no player has stood up for 🦌 speaks volumes. It’s Week 15 and it’s still the same song and dance. They give the same diplomatic responses in interviews, with dropping underlining nuggets. I have seen lame duck head coaches from other teams in the past, that were 1-13, 3-10, 2-11, and seen their players go to bat for them in interviews, despite their teams getting embarrassed on a weekly basis. This dude has zero respect in the locker room. Many of our players are professional and they have seen what works and what doesn’t work……..and I assure you 100%, they know that 🦌 ain’t it.
Olave caught that TD this past game and on the sideline the camera showed him making his way to Olave to tell him good job or whatever, Chris was having none of it, walked right past him but yet celebrated with another coach. These players have absolutely no respect for him any longer and it is so evident.