Nick Underhill and Mike Triplett on the possibilities of a Head Coach change happening after the season

Where did you get that quote from? Underhill didn't say that in the video.

He said they may lose players even if they make the playoffs. As in they get traded off or cut.

Additionally, they don't mention HC specifically. It's just general "changes" they talk about.

This is a very poor news post imo.

Topic starts at the 40 minute mark. The clip is shortened to upload it on X/twitter. They’re definitely referring to Dennis Allen and not just “changes.”

Before Trip started the twitter clip, Nick referred to Dennis Allen on if they were going to make a move or keeping him through the last Atlanta game. The twitter clip starts with Mike Triplett following up clearly mentioning Dennis Allen by name regarding staying or not staying if they make or miss the playoffs. Nick responds with making the playoffs isn’t enough. Everything is stated exact and concise in the video.

Nick said they’re already losing players and a lot’s going on. Can’t already lose players to trades or cuts during a season postdeadline while under contract. Trades or cuts discussion, without directly mentioning offseason roster moves, isn’t relevant while they’re still in the division hunt with 4 games left.

They never discussed or mentioned anything about player trades or cuts. Thats referring to player/coaches relationship in the locker room. It’s a choice to make it be anything else to not deal with what they’re saying I guess.