Nick Underhill and Mike Triplett on the possibilities of a Head Coach change happening after the season

The reality is that everything has become toxic. The record is just a small part of it. The performance and product are the worst they’ve been in a long time when you factor in schedule, etc. The trajectory of the organization is plummeting, as is attendance and fan morale.

It’s a business. And business is bad, getting worse with little hope of getting better under this regime.

If we finish on a 5-game winning streak, then sure. Reality can change. But right now, anything short of a division title and a decent showing in a playoff game will get DA sent packing, IMO.
If this was a new coach/QB in the same situation in year two, the fanbase’s reaction would be the opposite right now.
They would get behind a potential playoff push so soon after Brees/Payton.
It’s the person at this point. Dennis needs to go.