Because I remember Decembers in the 70s

The scriptures say it is better to be hot or cold than to be lukewarm. I think that’s where a lot of fans are. Rather have a legit shot at a championship or be really bad. Easier to start over and rebuild if you’re really bad. Being stuck in 7-10 or 8-9 hell feels far worse.
Any time I see someone post this sentiment about the team they root for even possibly being bad, I immediately wonder to myself:

“Which games did this fan wish the Saints lost?”

Because on six occasions, the team did what it took to win, and usually what we as fans wish for is for the team to have won more. I don’t believe anyone would be happy sitting at, say, 4-9 right now — but at this point I’m less convinced many of you would be happy at 9-4, either