Because I remember Decembers in the 70s

The fans have no control over what 'temperature' we will play whether now or in the future. All we can do is hope for better times ahead and try and enjoy what's left of the season. The offseason is too long to be whining while our team is still in the hunt. Yeah, we suck like a Hoover right now, but we may be even worse next year. So I've decided to (try to) enjoy whatever is left of the season. I really don't believe decisions will be made solely by what happens in the next 4 games. DA will probably get his third year as the skipper, and our final record won't make or break our draft position. Since I can't call the shots, I just want to be a good fan.
By in the hunt you mean considered one of the top 14 teams in the league? Barely in the top half of the league? Making the playoffs doesn’t signify a successful season like it once did. Especially in the 70’s. There are 3 win teams still alive and in the hunt lol