Because I remember Decembers in the 70s

I was there in the 70's and 80's too. I remember how bad we were. It was so hopeless for so long.

The joke was if you left two tickets under someone's windshield wipers, you'd come back in an hour to see 4 more under the same windshield wipers.

But I can't give DA a pass. The old regime left this team with too much talent, too well oiled a training system to justify what I've seen. The game planning in particular has fallen off.

The talent is not the problem. The leadership is.
I'm trying not to look at cheering on the Saints the same as giving Allen a pass. I just don't think these last 4 games are going to change Mickey's mind about his head coach. I just want what will make me the happiest when I watch them suit up & perform for the remainder of this season. And that is to win football games... no matter the outcome when the season is all over. But I understand the dilemma that a lot of people are feeling in that regard.