Nick Underhill and Mike Triplett on the possibilities of a Head Coach change happening after the season

2-4-5??? NO it's not it's a 4-3 with cover 2 . Just because the edges don't have their hands in the dirt dose not change the D formation. And 49 IS the mike just as DC called out. That's not the protection though . it should have been McCoy the one calling the protection. . The REAL problem with the play was that Ruiz completely WHIFFED on blocking 49 . A man that was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. I'm betting that that was what DC was P'Oed about. The whole Oline was putrid at pass pro the whole game
How is it a 4-3 when the edges are linebackers and if it is a cover 2 why is there a single high? Crap, the Panthers defense is built 3-4/3-3-5 but I digress. It looks as though there are 2 d-linemen, 4LBs, and 5DBs on the field for the Panthers, so as I said, they look to be in 2-4-5. It is most definitely NOT a 4-3 with a cover 2.

Again, Carr calling out the mike doesn't automatically make it so. If you believe that Luvu was the mike, what makes you believe that?

I'm not saying that Ruiz didn't blow it. I'm just saying that we don't know where the fault lies because if the incorrect protection is called or modified, you get stuff like that. Luvu exploited the gap on the shift a little too easily. We'll see in time....maybe.