Nick Underhill and Mike Triplett on the possibilities of a Head Coach change happening after the season

I don't know how you could even bring back Dennis Allen regardless of what happens the rest of the way. 4$ tickets on 2nd hand market. Empty Seats, Boo's when there is 3 and outs or bad plays on the field, QB getting singled out and boo'ed. Infighting for a 3rd time on the field, Veterans saying the offense has no identity, Thomas popping off on twitter during a game. Team has not progressed very much since week 1 as the same mistakes and lapses keep being made on the field. Make no mistake, Dennis Allen lost this locker room, it is only pride for each other that is being displayed on the field right now.
I'm usually pretty rosy about this stuff, but I think you're right. When players were talking about not game planning match ups, etc, they're calling out coaching.

Now, we all instinctively call out 'management' at our jobs when things go poorly. Ultimately, they are responsible, even if that's not the exact problem.

But it sure does feel like coaching is the issue.