Dennis Allen on Graham being inactive earlier in the season: “Let’s start focusing on what we need to do moving forward"

Funny how people forget conveniently forget about this. I've posted a few times that they may keep him rostered for the medical care since NFL players only receive medical care paid by the NFL for 5 years after they retire. Keeping him rostered allows him current care and delays that 5 year clock. He's also a great mentor for the younger players/TEs.

I have people at work who are seeking help for significant medical/MH issues and some subordinates question why they have so many appointments, etc. I can't say what those appointments are for so I have to give vague answers and support my people while they get the help they need. I take it on as my responsibility to change the culture in the organization of why people are so worried about others appointments when those people are seeking the help they need. We can't tell people to get help and then not support them through the process which involves helping to change the stigma of the "That person has a lot of appointments". This is why so many veterans don't get the help they need while serving and then really struggle after they separate/retire because they don't want to be seen as someone who doesn't pull their weight because they have appointments to seek help for whatever the reason is.

With all that said, I can completely see why DA gave the answer he gave b/c it if it is something along these lines then it's nobody's forking business and they'll play JG when he's able to play.

They’d simply give him money before burning a roster spot for this purpose.